CNCA Summer Assembly

California Northern Coastal Area (CNCA) is hosting the 2022 Summer Assembly on August 20 at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd (580 Larkin Street, Salinas). This hybrid event features a variety of workshops, including “Safety in A.A.” and “Getting Back into the Service Groove”. Consider participating virtually or in-person and share your experience with your groups. 


Tomorrow: 2900 Dance Party

The San Francisco Mission Fellowship (2900 24th Street) is hosting a dance party on August 13, immediately following the regular 7pm A.A. meeting, “Chip on the Shoulder”. Ray L. will deejay until 10pm. If you’d like to be of service at this event, call (415) 606-7170.


Tomorrow: Step by Step Workshop on Step 8


Reminder: Marin Pop-Up Bookstore

Need a new book to read with a sponsee or pamphlets to offer at your meeting? Pre-purchase your A.A. literature and chips by Saturday @ 2pm via the online bookstore for pick-up on Monday, August 15 at the Marin General Service meeting in the Jackson Cafe at Vivalon (930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael). Select A.A. literature will also be available for purchase between 6:45-7:30pm and 9-9:30pm. For additional instructions, click here


Printed Meeting Schedules (In Person Only)

Speaking of A.A. literature tables, are you in need of a printed A.A. meeting schedule for San Francisco or Marin? Central Office has you covered! Grab printed schedules to circle meeting recommendations for newcomers or to plan out your own meetings for the week. Meetings listed are for in person only. Drop by Central Office (1821 Sacramento Street, San Francisco) during regular hours: Tuesday through Friday between 10am-6pm and Saturday between 12pm-4pm.


Service Opportunities for the Week …


Progress, Not Perfection

For the love of sweeties, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in the know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.    🐝  

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office