Save the Date for Town Hall # 4
Hey y’all, believe it or not, it’s time to talk about re-opening and what that could mean for the SF/Marin Fellowship. Intergroup is still putting together the details, but please mark your calendars for a Town Hall to discuss re-opening, which will be held on May 20th @ 7pm PST. Stay tuned for more info!
Intergroup Seeking Treasurer Candidates!
Intergroup is still looking for a Treasurer to serve a 2-year term on the Intercounty Fellowship Board, beginning July 1, 2021. We’re looking for someone with extensive bookkeeping experience, or a CPA, CFO or Finance Manager-type. If that sounds like you or someone you know, please let us know!
We need help from you and other members of our Fellowship to reach potential candidates!
Please see this link for a description of this volunteer position and announce this broadly at all your meetings. Thank you!
Service Committee Meetings for the Week
- CNCA Committee meets on Saturday 4/24.
Sunshine Club Orientation is on Saturday 4/24.
Marin Teleservice Orientation and Business Meeting is on Tuesday 4/27.- Orientation @ 6:30pm PST
- Business @ 7:30pm PST
Volunteer with Marin PI/CPC!
Looking for a great way to be of service outside your meeting? Marin’s Public Information / Cooperation with the Professional Community (PI/CPC) has a ton of open service positions! The available positions are: Alternate Chair, African American Outreach, Events, Alternate Media Outreach, and Treasurer/Literature.
For more info on these service opportunities and others, please contact
Short and Sweet
For the love of lollipops, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in-the-know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.