Central Office Welcomes You!

When’s the last time you stopped by Central Office? Consider this your official invitation for a visit. You can browse all the literature, pick up pamphlets for your group, shop for anniversary chips for sponsees, and say “hi” to the Central Office crew. It’s been kinda quiet since the pandemic and it would be great to see you :) Central Office is open Tues.-Sat. 10am to 6pm, at 1821 Sacramento St., San Francisco.




Planning Sobriety by the Bay

The Sobriety by the Bay (SBTB) committee is looking for enthusiastic people interested in helping to plan next year’s conference, which takes place at Grace Cathedral church in San Francisco. A number of service members on the planning committee are rotating out, opening a variety of opportunities for service. SBTB is holding an important planning meeting at Central Office, 1821 Sacramento St. in San Francisco on Sunday, June 5 @ 12pm. If you are interested in being of service, join the meeting. If you cannot attend, but wish to participate in planning SBTB, contact Matt G at gmatt.sj@gmail.com.



Workshop to Focus on Step 5

The Step by Step Workshop series continues in May with a look at “admitted … the exact nature of our wrongs.” Join speaker Chris E. on May 14 @ 12pm (note new time) at Hillside Church of Marin in San Rafael or online.



Help Us Improve Our Communication—Reminder

With your input, we’re working to improve the aasfmarin.org website, The BuzzThe Point, the monthly Intergroup meeting and many other communications that support the San Francisco and Marin Fellowship, groups and service entities. 

If you haven’t yet, take a moment (two minutes, to be exact!) to share your feedback in this survey. Your answers are entirely anonymous. Be sure to share this link with others too!


Post-Conference Assembly

Come hear the California Northern Coastal Area (CNCA) of Alcoholics Anonymous Delegate report about this year’s General Service meeting, where a variety of topics were discussed affecting A.A., our Twelfth Step services and Conference-approved literature. The flyer below has more information on time and location or visit the CNCA 06 website.



Celebrate Women Pioneers

This A.A. event with Al-Anon participation features presentations on pioneers Lois W., Marty M. and Sybil C. A potluck dinner is being offered @ 5:15pm, followed by presentations @ 5:45pm. You can participate in person at the Hillside Church, 2000 Las Gallinas Ave., San Rafael or join online.



Service Opportunities for the Week …

  • CNCA Committee (online) is April 23 @ 11am.

  • Marin Teleservice (online) is April 26.

    • Orientation @ 6:30pm

    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm

  • Marin PI/CPC (online) is April 28.

    • Orientation @ 7pm

    • Business Meeting @ 7:30pm


Trust God. Clean House. Help Others.

For the love of spring cleaning, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here. Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in the know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.  🐝  

Your IFAA Intergroup | Central Office