Intergroup Meeting – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 7-8:30 PM

Intergroup coordinates services which individual groups in San Francisco and Marin cannot provide. We bring these services, as well as service opportunities, to our Member Groups. Our Intergroup observes the intent and spirit of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, as well as A.A.’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service.

7:00   Getting Started

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Review the minutes and agenda
  4. Roll Call
    1. 45 groups represented: 32 from San Francisco, 13 from Marin

  1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
    1. New IGRs: Jim H., Jack, Bryan, Norbert, Cheyenne, Tom, Elaina, Alison, Tom R. 
    2. Visitors: Jackie
    3. AA Anniversaries: Christina (25 years), Chris (10 years), Tom (34 years), Courtney (18 months)  
  1. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item)
    1. Motion to approve: Marie; Second: Chip
  2. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item)
    1. Motion to approve: Caitlin; Second: Isae

7:15   Officer Reports

    1. Board Chair – (In Charlie’s absence, Isae presented)
      1. Communications Survey Results Feedback
        1. What’s in a name? 
          1. Replace Intercounty Fellowship of AA (IFAA) with SF and Marin Intergroup
            1. It would eliminate confusion
          2. Central Office is both a nickname and a service provided. This nickname will not go away. 
            1. Intergroup commonly used across the U.S. 
            2. Aligns entity name with representatives (Intergroup Reps)
            3. Represents the Fellowship we serve (SF and Marin)
          3. What does SF and Marin Intergroup do?
            1. Central Office
            3. Meeting schedules
            4. Inquiries about AA
            5. Informs public and profession community
            6. Support AA service entity
            7. Literature, chips
            8. The Buzz, The Point 
            9. AA Events
          4. Open discussion around the suggested name change, and confusion about Marin Fellowship Intergroup’s name and the services they provide.
  1. Treasurer – Jim
    1. Revenue
      1. Total revenue is $192,000 for the year. Under budget slightly, but ahead of prior year
      2. July group contributions only slightly ahead of June, 50% of January
      3. Book store revenue 68% increase over prior year
    2. Expenses 
      1. Total expenses $212,000, which is under budget, but ahead of prior year 
    3. Bottom line
      1. Deficit of $19,100 is actualized as budgeted, well below prior year 
      2. Contributions from Treasurer turnover did not manifest 
        1. Possible causes:  Higher rents = higher prudent reserves, hybrid technology 
    4. On budget and greater than 2 months of operational cash is excellent 
    5. 301 faithful fivers (up three) in July donated $4,044 down – $139
      1. Average is $13.44
      2. Our goal is 350 contributions by the end of the year
      3. If you can give, give what you can and if you can’t – keep coming back
  1. Executive Director – Christina 
    1. Attended the ICOAA (Intergroup/Central Office) Seminar in Denver this past weekend, it is for Intergroups and Central Offices across North America
      1. Around 85 Intergroup managers attended, as well as the GSO General Manager, AAWS Board Chair and Grapevine Editor. Made connections with other Intergroup managers and it is great to see what other Intergroups are doing
      2. Attended a lot of workshops
        1. San Diego Intergroup interested in the Pop-Up Bookstore idea
        2. Of service at the Changing Face of AA workshop and the theme was, if AA can survive COVID, then we can survive anything 
    2. After two and half years, we are officially welcoming volunteers back to Central Office. They are getting trained this Saturday and shifts begin next week.
      1. Currently 8 volunteers signed up and they are taking 2 to 4 hour shift each week
      2. We will communicate with Marin and San Francisco Teleservice Committees before we officially transfer those lines during Central Office hours. Right now the volunteers will answer the phone lines with the current teleservice schedule. 
    3. Marin Pop-Up Bookstore
      1. Thank you Jaime for being the Pop-Up Bookstore Liaison! 
      2. The next Pop-Up is September 19 at Vivalon, in San Rafael. The Pop-Up is in collaboration with Marin General Service – please spread the word! 
        1. Hours: 6:45 to 7:30pm and 9 to 9:30pm 
        2. Pre-orders need to get in by 9/17 at 2pm
        3. Regarding last month’s question about credit and debit only at the Pop-Up. We will try to figure out a way to accept cash.
    4. Outreach Ad-hoc Committee Proposal – 
      1. Idea came from Question 2 from the Intergroup Inventory back in February
      2. Shared this proposal with several people and the Board has reviewed it, but  wanted to bring it to Intergroup’s attention. Hopeful that by having an Outreach Ad Hoc Committee it could help with the issue of finding support and get more people into service.
      3. If you would like to look at proposal, reach out to [email protected] or send a chat.
      4. Open discussion around the Outreach Ad Hoc Committee proposal and including Intergroup in the decision-making process.
    5. Intergroup is participating in both the Marin and San Francisco Unity Days. At Marin Unity Day, we are in charge of the registration table. And for both events we will represent Intergroup by tabling. If you would like to help out, reach out to [email protected].

7:30   Intergroup Committee Reports (up to 2 minutes/report)

  1. Archives Committee – Mike 
    1. Next Meetings is 3rd Sunday of the month at 12 (in-person and online)
    2. Also looking for more people who are interested in volunteering
  2. Peter – Public Relations Committee
    1. Elections for new officers coming soon
    2. Next meeting is Monday 9/12 at 7pm 
    3. Focus on in-person events – event on Friday 9/9 at St. Mary’s Cathedral – Reentry Resource Fair for the community
    4. Sunday Streets – Sunday 9/18 from 11am to 4pm
    5. Jessie Alley Street (JAS) 9/24 near Market and 6th
  3. The Point – Kristee 
    1. Looking for article submissions about service for Unity Day. The Point includes personal stories and poetry of recovery 
    2. Online writing workshop Saturday 9/19 at 5:30. Email Kristee O. for more info
    3. Next meeting 9/10 at 12:30pm
  1. Help Chat – Caitlin
  2. Needs a new committee chair 
  3. If you are a slack user, it is easy to volunteer with Help Chat and speak with newcomers and fellow volunteers. No shift required – answer chats as you’re available. 
  4. Email [email protected] for more information

7:40   Service Committee Liaison Reports (up to 2 minutes/report)

  1. SF General Service – Alison 
    1. Elections are coming up. 
    2. 72nd GSC Final Conference report available as a PDF  on (password: 1945)
    3. Pacific Regional Forum is September 16-18 in Salt Lake City, Utah 
    4. SF Unity Day is Saturday, 10/8 in- person at First Unitarian Universalist Church on O-Farrell and Geary
  2. Marin General Service – Molly 
    1. The General Service Office is collecting new stories for the 5th Edition of the A.A. Big Book. Looking for stories to represent what AA looks like now. Stories due 10/31,
    2. Updating the Black and African-American Alcoholic pamphlet (specific to US and Canada A.A. members). Submission deadline is 10/31
    3. Updating the 4th Edition of the Spanish-language A.A. Big Book – 4th edition submission deadline is 12/15
    4. Marin Unity Day is 10/15 – theme is back to the 80’s celebration. 
  3. Marin Teleservice – Jillian 
    1. Next meeting 9/27. Orientation @ 6:30pm and 7:30pm business meeting 
  4. SF H&I – Chad 
    1. Business Meeting 9/17 at 12pm
    2. Orientations scheduled in person every third Saturday of the month at 11am. Announcements and more information at
    3. Currently have 3 H&I zoom meetings. We have 18 in-person meetings and have 3 more new in-person meetings. 
    4. Need more volunteers – commitment is 1 day a month 
    5. Area 62 is looking for a Regional Chair for H&I NorCal and a Correctional Co-Chair 

7:50   Old Business

  1. Inventory Question #3 Break-out Session: How well is transparency and full disclosure being implemented between the Intergroup Board of Directors and rank and file IGRs? What, if anything, could be improved?

Group 1: Progress has been made, and there is more transparency. No specific actions needed to be taken. Joined during bequest and current board seems to have learned. Monthly board meetings can be shared and board minutes are shared in the agenda. Board meetings are closed to members. Very happy this question was asked because in their own committee they take for granted what they think people are thinking. 

Group 2: Suggest an in depth IGR workshop that is more in depth than orientation. Change the format of these meetings to include more time for IGRs to bring forward their group issues or questions to Intergroup as a whole. Making what’s on your mind longer or agreeing to break-out room format is a great way to have more direct conversations. Pairing board members, a liaison or committee chair with a group of IGRs to give more in-depth training or education about what is going on as IGRS begin service. Proposal for IGRs to be allowed to attend board meetings or observe.

Group 3: Directed toward new IGRs. Bio sheet of all board members and contact information. Also like the idea of a graphic representation of Intergroup published. Make that available for all new IGRs. Concept 9 – including consistency and responsibility, flexibility and commitment and attendance to this meeting once a month.

Group 4: No glaring action. Reality that the IGR contingent and board itself has had a lot of change over and not the same as it was before bequest matter. Someone also noted that the solutions offered seemed to say board members and IGRs hold themselves accountable. Suggestions proposed around this inventory seem doable but sees the board strike this balance of transparency and giving information within reason and selecting what they want to be surfaced and to not overwhelm people. We are directly responsible for those we serve and that means transparency and aligning to spiritual principles. 

Group 5: consensus that the Board minutes are available if you choose to read them and then like the idea of inviting IGR members so they can sit in but not necessarily participate. New board and format we are in – not an in person meeting and not a zoom call and a limited amount of time to communicate and so it is basically a mutual responsibility to be as informed as possible. The board is receptive to feedback if we are talking about this. 

8:15   New Business

  1. Discussion Item: 7th Tradition: What are you seeing in your groups and how are you engaging with your treasurer? Are there notable differences between Online vs In-Person meetings?
    1. Tabled for next meeting: 
      1. Motion to approve: Chip; Second: Chris 

8:30   Targeted Message

  1. Support Intergroup service committees – check out our calendar on to see when the service committees meet.
  2. Marin Pop-Up Bookstore is happening again on 9/19! Literature and chips can be pre-ordered (and select literature will be available for sale) – at the monthly Marin General Service meeting @Vivalon (930 Tamalpais, San Rafael) on Monday, September 19 from 6:45 to 7:30pm and 9 to 9:30pm.
  3. The Central Office is welcoming back volunteers. Reach out to [email protected] if you are interested in signing up for a weekly volunteer shift. One-year of sobriety is required.

Next Intergroup Meeting: October 5 online

Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.

Next Intergroup meeting will be on Wednesday, October 5, 2022, at 7:00 pm.

September 2022 Intergroup Meeting Treasurer’s Narrative
Year to Date Ended
July 31, 2022

Bookstore sales were still well ahead of prior year helping with lower than expected group and individual contributions. A surge in group contributions due to treasurer commitment turnovers did not manifest to any large degree. Bookstore sales, individual and fellowship contributions were all down contributing to a $3K decrease in overall revenues. It is possible we are still experiencing a lag but it’s also been noted that rents charged to groups are way up leading to higher group expenses, higher necessary prudent reserves, and thus lower disbursements to the entities. Year to date revenues are 6% under budget but still 2% ahead of prior year.

Expenses year to date are also running 6% below budget but ahead of last year by a whopping 10% While inflation is a factor, outside service costs for technology development post website rollout was a significant factor and there were significant 2021 expenses that were not billed until 2022. Budgeting high or “worst case scenario” expenses proved to be a prudent decision and such conservative budgeting will be utilized for the draft 2023 budget for the intergroup to vote on. Expense increases due to easing pandemic restrictions as well as general inflation were specifically included in the budget, though national inflation is greater now than when the budget was completed.

With Revenues slipping slightly and Expenses impacted by inflation, IFAA is currently operating at a loss of $19K. This was exact to budget though significantly worse than prior year with a year to date loss then of just 3K. As noted, lags in group contributions may be a factor but it seems increasingly likely the trend will continue.

Liquid or “unrestricted cash” which is in addition to our prudent reserve slipped in July due to our operating loss. Liquid reserves between 1.5 and 2 months of operating expenses are rated “Good” (down from “Excellent” in July) so we are still in a positive cash position, but the trend is downward. Lagging contributions may help but to what extent they will protect our prudent reserve remains to be seen.

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