Proposed Intergroup Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 7-8:30 PM

Intergroup coordinates services which individual groups in San Francisco and Marin cannot provide. We bring these services, as well as service opportunities, to our Member Groups. Our Intergroup observes the intent and spirit of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, as well as A.A.’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service.

7:00   Getting Started

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Review the minutes and agenda
  4. Roll Call
    1. 39 groups represented: 25 from San Francisco, 14 from Marin

  1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
    1. Mike, new IGR, High Noon Zoom; Josh B, new IGR Last Stop Men’s Step Study; 
    2. Jackie B, Visitor, Gloria, visitor; Andrew, Visitor
    3. Charlie, 4 years
  2. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item)
    1. No Objections
    2. Motion to Approve; John B, Ken R second
  3. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item)
    1. Motion to approve; James H, Kathleen C second

7:15   Officer Reports

  1. Board Chair
    1. Bylaws
      1. No Questions or Comments
    2. Board of Directors Seats coming due in June
      1. Filling 3 vacancies on Board; 7 Statements of Interest
        1. All the info for candidates will go out before next month’s meeting
        2. Any questions, comments email [email protected]
  2. Treasurer
    1. YTD- revenues are beating budget and prior year
    2. Bookstore revenue doubled from prior year
      1. Not at pre-Covid levels but improving
    3. Seeing shift in contributions back to more group rather than individuals
    4. Expenses below prior year; Under our failsafe budget
    5. 2.7 month’s of unrestricted cash for operating expenses
    6. Faithful Fiver’s is holding steady; spread the word and get those numbers up
      1. Goal of 350 faithful fivers by end of year
    7. Prudent Reserve
      1. Adjusted by -1.25%
    8. Question: Jaime: Why change from a money market account?
      1. New ED required a new signatory and couldn’t be grandfathered into
      2. Can we get the slides?
        1. They are sent out with the minutes
  3. Executive Director 
    1. As of yesterday (May 3) slowly taking back the phone services with help from SF and Marin Teleservice
    2. Getting Fiber Optic internet, saving $300/year
      1. Once we get that online we can take back all the phones
    3. Hours changing starting on June 4 – Saturdays 12pm-4pm; Tue-Fri remains 10am-6pm
    4. Looking to purchase a small quantity of tri-plated medallions to try out, test the demand
      1. Looking to increase foot traffic and online sales at the bookstore
      2. Competition from Amazon and AAWS has cut into our sales
    5. Founder’s Day on June 11th at Central Office
      1. Need a Fellowship Committee Chair
        1. Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
        2. Nominated Jaime
          1. He is unavailable

7:40   Intergroup Committee Reports (up to 2 minutes/report)

  1. The Point – John B
    1. New edition up
    2. New Committee Chair – Bernadette
      1. THANK YOU JOHN! For all your years of service
    3. New Editor – Kristee O
    4. Looking for local stories
    5. Looking for volunteers
  2. Technology – Fiona
    1. Looking for volunteers
    2. Next meeting June 6, 6pm
  3. Archives – Mike O
    1. Not able to meet last month
      1. Not this Sunday but the next at Central Office at noon
    2. Looking for stuff to showcase at Founder’s Day
      1. Will be having a giveaway at Founder’s Day
    3. How do we get more archival material from today
      1. Document the current changes
  4. Fellowship – Elena R
    1. Founder’s Day
      1. June 11th Open House at Central Office
        1. Get together for food, fellowship and a Meet and Greet our new ED
        2. Need Volunteers to help
          1. Reach out to [email protected]
    2. Looking for a new Committee Chair and volunteers 
  5. The Buzz – Christina G
    1. Weekly listings of events and volunteer opportunities
    2. What’s happening at the bookstore
    3. Go to the website and subscribe!
      1. Under Members and Groups and click on The Buzz
  6. Sunshine Club – Clayton B
    1. Lost volunteer database, trying to repopulate the list
      1. Setback our ability to bring the service to those in need
      2. Looking for new volunteers
        1. Orientations at the end of this month
    2. Want to volunteer? Need the service?
      1. [email protected]
  7. Public Relations – Peter M via Christina G
    1. Have a presentation with Washington High School tomorrow
    2. Next meeting is May 9
      1. Please direct questions to [email protected]

7:55   Service Committee Liaison Reports (up to 2 minutes/report)

  1. SF General Service – Alison T
    1. Post-Conference Assembly May 14, in Newark, CA
    2. MCYPAA bonfire at Muir Beach
    3. Call for stories
      1. Black and African American Alcoholic pamphlet update
      2. 5th Edition Big Book
        1. Deadline Oct 31
      3. NAATW (National Alcoholics Anonymous Technology Workshop) coming up
  2. Bridging the Gap – Phil S
    1. Developing the web page, almost there!
    2. [email protected]
    3. Strategizing over how to build more relationships with institutions to help the struggling alcoholics
  3. Marin Teleservice – Marie R
    1. Volunteer orientation May 24
    2. Central Office taking over some of the days to answer phones
      1. Tue. and Thur.; Fri is getting forwarded to SF Teleservice
  4. Marin General Service – Molly via Christina G
    1. Check the slide in slide deck

8:05   Old Business

  1. Bylaws (Discussion Item / Possible Voting Item)
    1. Distributed amended bylaws with FAQ
      1. Asked for questions, comments, concerns by email for the past month, did not receive any
    2. Main reason for update was to bring our bylaws into CA compliance
    3. Board recommends approval of amended bylaws
      1. Chip G moves to approve, seconded Alison T
    4. Question: # of Board members maximum 15
      1. If IG decides to increase Board members, if we get more group representation or need more to handle an increased workload it will be available
    5. Roll Call vote (⅔ majority for approval)
      1. Per current bylaws, who can vote to amend bylaws?
        1. IGRs, Committee Chairs, and Board Members
      2. Yay 40
      3. Nay
      4. Abstain 2
        1. Motion passed; bylaws approved

8:20   New Business

  1. n/a

8:25   What’s On Your Mind

  1. Kaitlin D: question, adding something to agenda, add a MCYPAA liaison
    1. Contact the [email protected]
    2. Your committee can decide to send a liaison and get added to the agenda
  2. Clayton: Tech Committee, when will the Central Office functionality be restored so Sunshine Club can communicate with its volunteers?
    1. We are working with airtable managers to give committees the ability to send out mass emails to their volunteers
      1. making it a priority
  3. Jackie B: Gratitude Center, 12 step clubhouse, holds many meetings online as well as in person. The President of the non-profit board is retiring, in need of a treasurer and meeting coordinator
    1. Spread the word:

8:30   Targeted Message

  1. Save the Date: Founders Day Open House and 75th Anniversary of Central Office is June 11 from 1 to 4 pm
    1. Return to in-person events
    2. Giveaways!
    3. Show up and say hello
  2. Help us better communicate with SF/Marin Fellowship – fill out our survey on
    1. Our different forms of communication could use feedback on how best to serve the fellowship
    2. Only takes a couple minutes to fill out
  3. Be of service – join an Intergroup Service Committee
    1. New Point Chair, New Point Editor, New Buzz Chair
    2. Looking for Fellowship committee chair
    3. Looking for a Recording Secretary

Next IG Meeting June 1 on Zoom

Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

May 2022 Intergroup Meeting Treasurer’s Narrative
Year to Date Ended
March 31, 2022

When comparing February to January last month, a steep reduction in group contributions was noted. A closer look revealed the drop was due to abnormally high contributions in January rather than an abnormally low February (likely from groups turning over treasurer commitments). In March, the trend continued. Worse yet, individual contributions also declined the Intergroup suffered a bottom line net loss of $11K in the month of March. But due to the cyclical nature of contribution revenues noted above, a better indicator of financial performance would be a comparison to prior year to date. Such analysis revealed financial performance exceeded both prior year and budget and the financial health of the intergroup is excellent.

Overall contributions were $9.6K or 12% higher than last year and 4% over budget, with Group Contributions leading the charge up $4.2K. Individual contributions were slightly down <$1K> from last year likely due to a shift to in person meetings. Of that, faithful fivers were essentially flat.

Expenses declined by 5% over last year and were 7% below our failsafe budget.
With contributions higher, and expenses lower, the intergroup has maintained a profit level of $3.3K consistent with this time last year. Also, we’re exceeding our failsafe budget by $11.5K leaving us in a favorable position one quarter into the year. I would expect group contributions to continue decline or level off, and at our current level of fixed expenses, we will likely experience a deficit until the next treasurer turnover in March.

The excess funds added to an already robust reserve (or unrestricted cash balance) of $70K, or 2.7 months of operating expenses. This is in addition to our 6-month Prudent Reserve giving us a liquidity rating of Excellent. Prudent reserve was calculated and adjusted in accordance with the approved budget and will be presented as appropriate in the next IFAA meeting.