Intergroup Meeting Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 7-8:30 PM
Intergroup coordinates services which individual groups in San Francisco and Marin cannot provide. We bring these services, as well as service opportunities, to our Member Groups. Our Intergroup observes the intent and spirit of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, as well as A.A.’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service.
7:00 Getting Started
- Open with the Serenity Prayer
- Call to order. Statement of Purpose
- Alison – Orientation Committee Announcement
- New IGR orientation meetings monthly at 6PM before IGR meeting
- Review the minutes and agenda
- Roll Call
- 35 groups represented: 21 from San Francisco, 14 from Marin
- New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
- New Committee Chair: Cathy, Chair Teleservice San Francisco
- Visitors: Paula, Unity & Service Conference, Jackie B, Chair SF General Service, Gloria, Marin Fellowship
- Jennifer K. unknown, Rae – 17 years, Jillian, 19 years, Jerry G, 15 years Elaine, 29 years
- Approval of agenda (housekeeping item)
- No Objections
- Motion to Approve; Brain C, Chad, Second
Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item)
- Motion to approve; Brian C, Marty, Second
7:10 Officer Reports
- Board Chair
- New Recording Secretary, Jessie
- Outgoing board members – Alan, Drew, and Luke – THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!
2. Executive Director
- Founders Day – 75th anniversary of Intergroup on 6/11
- Volunteer sign up in the chat and flyers available to bring to meetings
- Central Office Updates
- Updated hours Saturday – 12PM-4PM Tuesday-Friday 10-6
- Internet – Upgrading to fiber did not happen as expected
- Bringing Volunteers back into Central Office starting July 5
- answer phone lines
- assist with literature orders and their tasks.
- two hour shifts
- Those interested in volunteering can contact [email protected]
- Marin Pop Up Bookstore
- Working on the idea for a pop up bookstore at Marin General Service in an effort to be inclusive and provide literature that is more accessible to people in Marin
- Follow Up announcement –
- Fancy tri-plated medallions are now for sale at Central Office.
- Founders Day – 75th anniversary of Intergroup on 6/11
3. Treasurer
- Total revenues beat budget estimate
- Bookstore sales doubled from previous year
- Shift from individual giving back to group contributions
- Expenses up from prior year to lesser extent
- Income is greater than our expenses and we have in excess of two months of expenses in liquid cash
- Faithful Fiver goal: we need 56 additional members to reach goal of 350
- Income Statement, balance sheet and narrative sheet shared in packet
- Questions: n/a
7:25 Elections
- Board Elections
- Voting instructions
- pick three candidates.
- Top three elected to board
- Board of Director qualifications
- Sober member of AA actively engaged in AA recovery program
- Minimum of 2 years of continuous sobriety
- Questions: (n/a)
- Candidate Introductions (1 minute each):
- Voting instructions
- Alex S:
- Sobriety Date 9/6/2016
- IGR for 2 years.
- Former Buzz Editor.
- Former Secretary for Intergroup and did the minutes.
- Communications committee
- Sobriety Date 9/6/2016
- Andrew S:
- Sobriety Date 11/27/2015
- Active member of Marin and San Francisco fellowship.
- Lawyer
- Assisted SF Public Relations in trying to raise awareness of AA at the schools
- Currently Archives Chair in Marin.
- Sponsor,
- Attends meetings.
- Sobriety Date 11/27/2015
- Gloria E:
- Sobriety Date 2/3/2007
- Works with sponsor/sponsees,
- Works the steps goes to three to four meetings a week.
- Served two terms as an IGR.
- Public admin and non profit background
- Sobriety Date 2/3/2007
- Jaime G: Not Present
- Judy W:
- Sobriety Date 3/20/1994 (28 years)
- Attends at least three meetings a week,
- commitments at every level in meetings.
- Board of director of three non profit organizations and formerly on the board of the National Council of Alcoholism-Bay Area.
- Marketing and communications director for 24 years
- Sobriety Date 3/20/1994 (28 years)
- Phil S:
- Sobriety Date 2/5/1993.
- Service at committee level Bridging the Gap.
- 12 step service committee.
- Sobriety Date 2/5/1993.
- Ranked Choice Results for Newly Selected Board Members (not in any particular order):
Gloria E. (Marin), Judy W. (Marin), Andrew S. (Marin)
- Outgoing board members messages from Alan G. and Andrew H. (Luke H. not present)
7:46 Intergroup Committee Reports (up to 2 minutes/report)
- The Point – Kristee
- June Issue focus: Celebration of Central Office history
- Calls for submissions
- Looking for volunteers
- Moved committee meeting to June 18th at 12:30 to not conflict w/ Founders’ Day
- Technology – Brian C. stepping in for Fiona
- On the website, raised the minimum contributions level from from $1 to $2 due to fraudulent activity
- Added bot verification to prevent fake donations
- Increased donation to $2 to deter fake donations
- On the website, raised the minimum contributions level from from $1 to $2 due to fraudulent activity
- Archives – Mike O.
- Preparing archive display at Founder’s Day on June 11
- Will be having a giveaway at Founder’s Day
- Preparing archive display at Founder’s Day on June 11
- Fellowship – Elena R
- Founder’s Day
- June 11th Open House at Central Office 1-4pm
- Founder’s Day
- Scavenger Hunt
- Raffle
- Fellowship
- Food
- Literature discounts for individual use
- Sunshine Club – Kate K.
- Yet to bring AA meetings to homes
- COVID setback our ability to bring the service to those in need
- Looking for new volunteers
- Orientations to be scheduled in next two weeks
- Information on the Buzz
- Correction to email shared sunshine
- Orientations to be scheduled in next two weeks
- Asking IGRs to announce to group
- Yet to bring AA meetings to homes
- Public Relations – Peter M
- Calling card produced and distributed at in person events
- Presented to Washington HS students and UCSF
- Sunday Street Volunteer needed
- Working on pamphlet intended for those with housing challenges
- Next Meeting held on June 13, orientation held same evening
- Please direct questions to Peter at: [email protected]
8:05 Service Committee Liaison Reports (up to 2 minutes/report)
- SF General Service – Alison T
- Delegates report from 71 conference available and to be presented at the district meeting this month
- Call for stories
- 5th Edition Big Book
- Deadline Oct 31
- 5th Edition Big Book
- Bridging the Gap – Phil S
- Same updates from last month
- Web page in progress
- Strategizing over how to build more relationships with institutions to help the struggling alcoholics
- Questions or volunteer opportunities: [email protected]
- Marin Teleservice – Jillian
- Next volunteer orientation June 28
- Central Office taking over some of the days to answer phones as Central Office opens
- Looking for all night shifts
- Marin General Service – Molly
- Calls for stories
- 5th Edition Big Book
- Deadline Oct 31
- Looking for submissions of those from underrepresented groups
- 5th Edition Big Book
- SF Teleservice – Cathy
- Four hour commitments needed to answer the phone lines
- Daily Coordinators – one coordinator filled, and one still needed
8:14 Old Business
- Intergroup Inventory – Next Steps (Chip)
- Will review what was learned from inventory in July Intergroup meeting
- First question: “What is the primary purpose of Intergroup”?
- Proposing breakout rooms with 10 people in room
- Looking for volunteers to facilitate breakout rooms
- Proposing breakout rooms with 10 people in room
- Not a continuation of inventory; IGRs will discuss whether the inventory requires further action based on that question and the results from the Inventory
8:15 New Business
8:16 What’s On Your Mind
- Paula: 7th annual Unity and Service Conference
- July 8th-10th
- Hybrid – Concord Hilton and Virtual w/ASL and Spanish translations
- Flyer
- Isae: Communications Survey Analysis
- Feedback on website, The Buzz, The Point, format of meeting and our name
- Working on how to share feedback in next meeting
- Ayn:
- Thank you to outgoing board members.
- Happy about breakout rooms for inventory.
- Opportunity to get to know each other better.
8:20 Targeting Message
- Founders’ Day Open House and 75th Anniversary of Intergroup is Saturday, June 11 from 1 to 4 pm @ 1821 Sacramento Street, in San Francisco.
- Sign up to volunteer here. And attached is the
- Flier – so please keep promoting it! And masks are encouraged, to help stop the spread of COVID.
- New Central Office hours on Saturday 12-4.
- Our Tuesday to Friday hours remain the same: 10-6.
- Stop by and check out our new specialty medallions for sale.
- Our Tuesday to Friday hours remain the same: 10-6.
- Be of service by joining an Intergroup service committee
- service opportunities posted on our Events page
- [email protected] for more information.
- Central Office is welcoming back volunteers.
- Email [email protected] to learn more or to sign up for a 2-hour weekly shift.
Next Intergroup Meeting: July 6th on Zoom
Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement
June 2022 Intergroup Meeting Treasurer’s Narrative
Year to Date Ended
April 30, 2022
Revenues are still up, but so are costs – so our bottom line eroded slightly in April.
We’ve seen less of a switch from individual to group contributions, and just more group
contributions. The next two months are expected to be much the same, with a large
influx of revenues in July improving the slight downturn. Intergroup events are starting to
resume with Covid restrictions loosening, and some much-needed technical
improvements are being seen to fruition. This was factored into the 2022 operating
budget so the financial health of the intergroup remains excellent.
Overall contributions were as expected, exceeding budget by just 1% Bookstore sales
increased over last year by a whopping 92% (though largely pass through). Group
contributions were up 6% over last year but that doesn’t represent a shift from individual
to group as individual contributions are still holding at a 1% increase over prior. Of that,
faithful fivers were essentially flat losing one member in April down $9.
While Revenues increased by 12%, so did expenses though to a lesser extent up 9%
over last year. Primary factors include national inflation at 8.3% and the intergroup was
largely locked down last year so an increase in 2022 was to be expected. We are still
7% under our failsafe budget leaving a budget hedge of $7,588.
Year to date, expenses exceeded revenues leaving us with a net loss of $1,037.59 (also
well within our failsafe budget). As compared to last year, performance is slightly worse
with a slight gain in 2021 flipping to a modest loss in 2022. While we will likely suffer
losses for the next two months, group contributions will likely flood in during July
improving our financial position substantially.
This net loss through April ate away at our robust liquidity reserve slightly leaving us
with 2.5 months of operating expenses in the bank, down from 2.7 months over March.
This is still an excellent rating with $65K in the bank to cover costs in excess of our
Prudent Reserve.