San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Meeting – Agenda
Wednesday, August 3, 2022, 7-8:30 PM

Intergroup coordinates services which individual groups in San Francisco and Marin cannot provide. We bring these services, as well as service opportunities, to our Member Groups. Our Intergroup observes the intent and spirit of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, as well as A.A.’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service.

7:00   Getting Started

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Review the minutes and agenda
  4. Roll Call
    1. 36 groups represented: 20 from San Francisco, 16 from Marin

  1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
    1. New IGRs: Sonya B., Natalie M., Dillon S., Leo O.
    2. Visitors: Jackie B – SF General Service, Daniel S. 
    3. Anniversaries: Jim M. – 18 years, Leo – 1 Year
  2. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item)
    1. There were no objections. Isae moved to approve the agenda, Chad seconded. Agenda was approved.
  3. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item)
    1. There were no objections or corrections to the minutes. Brian made a motion to approve. Chad seconded. Minutes were approved. 

7:15   Officer Reports

  1. Board Chair – Charlie turned it over to board member Isae to discuss the Communications Survey
    1. Communications Survey Feedback 
      1. April/May 2022 – survey was available on the website with alert button on the home page to participate and published in the Buzz
      2. 260 participants – most from SF, ⅓ from Marin and remaining from other parts of the country
      3. Analysis broken down in sections and presented throughout the next month’s IGR meetings. Tonight’s analysis includes: 


  1.  What name is most familiar? What is the function of Intergroup? Based on results, recommendations are:
    1. use name of “San Francisco and Marin Integroup” in everyday conversation, communications and forums. 
    2. Reference IFAA (Intercounty Fellowship of AA) when referring to the non-profit entity for legal and official documents 
    3. Use an elevator pitch – working on language currently for a brief description of what San Francisco & Marin Integroup is 
  1. What do you think of the monthly Intergroup meetings? Based on results, recommendations are:
    1. Most people who participated in the survey weren’t an IGR but those were shared that they attend meetings regularly and find the information useful
    2. Other feedback included reducing committee reports and making more time for in-depth discussions 
      1. Recommendation to provide more opportunities for discussion and in-depth discussions and break out to discuss group needs 
      2. Recap the meeting for IGRS with monthly emails to take back to groups and include in the Buzz 
  1. Open for comments, questions and discussion:
    1. Marty – Question/Statement:  Was this a recommendation from the communication committee and not from IGRs? Personally speaking he refers to Intergroup as Central Office. Hard sell for him to call it anything else.
    2. Clayton – Question: Wondering why Central Office was not chosen and instead SF & Marin Intergroup as it seems a more cumbersome name 
      1. Charlie’s Reponse – leaning towards a broader description to define what Intergroup does. IFAA is the legal name for who we are but nobody knows what it is. Didn’t want to add to the confusion and felt it accurate to say we are “SF and Marin Intergroup”. IFFA is legal name for non profit status, ie, the Corporate Name and  other names are associated with it. Central Office is just one of the things Integroup coordinates. 
  1. Treasurer – Jim
    1. Revenues as of 6/30/2022 is $168K, under budget but ahead of prior year
    2. Bookstore revenue 77% increase over prior year
    3. Marin Teleservice made another generation contribution under “Fellowship”
    4. Total Expenses $155K, ahead of prior year but under budget overall
    5. National inflation June = 9.1% YOY, Intergroup Inflation = 7%
    6. Deficit $7K slightly more than prior year but well under budget 
    7. Surplus likely in June after group treasury commitments turn over, and groups submit 7th Tradition contributions
    8. Overall on budget and greater than 2 months of operation cash is excellent
    9. Prudent reserve remains intact and will hold for the remainder of 2022
    10. 298 Faithful fivers in June 
      1. donated $4,183 (up 1 from prior month = $207)
      2. Average increased from $13.39 to $14.08
      3. Goal to hit 350 by end of year
      4. Balance sheet, narrative is available in the packet
      5. Question from Chad: How has inflation impacted our expenses? 
        1. Response: Christina: Everything is increasing by 3-5%. Across the board hearing from contractors and their rates are increasing. Some expenses are paid annually and some things are going up by $50-$90
  1. Executive Director – Christina
    1. Central Office Volunteers 
      1. Continue to make strides towards opening Central Office to volunteers.
      2. Thank you to Elena who helped with a volunteer plan today. 
      3. Working on a COVID-19 policy specific to Special Workers and Central Office volunteers. 
        1. Asking those to be vaccinated for COVID, however it does account for medical and religious exemptions and includes protocols in case of being exposed to COVID. 
        2. Questions can be directed to [email protected] 
    2. Marin Pop Up Bookstore
      1. First Pop-Up Bookstore is August 15 at Marin General Service Meeting @Jackson Cafe in Vivalon, 930 Tamalpais Avenue, SF from 6:45pm to 7:30pm and 9PM to 9:30PM
      2. Open to AA members in Marin, AA Meetings/groups and service entities 
      3. For pre-purchase, place orders by 2PM on Saturday, August 13th. We will bring additional literature to Marin General Service meeting that will be available for purchase with debit or credit card only.
      4. Spread the word at meetings. Flier and instructions on how to place orders being sent to bring back to groups.
      5. Jaime, volunteer book store liaison – thank you!
      6. Question (Chad): Why is it cash only? Is there a service fee associated when you purchase with credit or debit 
        1. It was decided that if you purchase literature onsite at pop up store, credit/debit only as to streamline process. 
        2. There is not a service fee to purchase with credit/debit when making a purchase online. 

7:40   Intergroup Committee Reports (up to 2 minutes/report)

  1. Technology Committee – Fiona
    1. Big thanks to the web committee for successfully completing the modernization project. Brian C, Michal P, and Tom H along with others who helped over the years. Moved to WordPress hosting (from Linux) which provides new support and security. Working with communications committee on content and functionality.
    2. Web Committee meets the first monday of every month
    3. Any questions [email protected]
    4. Applause to Brian C for his service as webmaster and thank you to Tom H and Michael P, the new webmasters
  2. Archives Committee – Mike 
    1. Meets at Central Office, and via zoom, on 3rd Sunday of each month
  3. SF Public Relations Committee – Peter
    1. Looking for new officers and open to having new people join
    2. Next meeting on Monday 8/8 at 7PM on Zoom – information at for details 
    3. Reentry Fair on Friday 9/9 at St. Mary’s Cathedral – Resource fair for those reentering the community
    4. Sunday Streets – August 21st in SOMA area from 11am to 4PM
      1. Call for volunteers and suggested fellowship opportunity
  4. Sunshine Club – Clayton 
    1. Orientation for new volunteers held on July 27th, six new volunteers joined our roster – 5 from Marin and 1 from SF
    2. Next orientation will be held on the last Wednesday of the month on 8/31 at 7:30 pm on Zoom. Notice in the Buzz the week before the orientation and on the event calendar. 
    3. Sunshine meeting scheduled for this coming Saturday for an AA member who is in acute care facility.
    4. Call to IGRs to spread the word that Sunshine Club is providing this service and those wishing to schedule a meeting in person [email protected] 
  5. HelpChat Committee – Charlie 
    1. HelpChat needs a new committee chair and more volunteers 
    2. Email [email protected] for more info 

7:50   Service Committee Liaison Reports (up to 2 minutes/report)

  1. Marin Teleservice – Jillian
    1. Next Orientation will be August 23rd 
    2. SF and Marin Intergroup is now answering the phone everyday except Monday & Wednesday
  2. SF General Service – Jackie 
    1. Area Summer Assembly is Saturday, 8/20 in Salinas, CA
      1. Hybrid event for full virtual participation
      2. Free admission and free lunch 
    2. Pacific Regional Forum is 9/16-18, 2022 in Salt Lake City ,Utah
    3. San Francisco Unity Day is Saturday 10/8
      1. In-person at First Unitarian Church on O’Farrell and Geary with hybrid element
      2. Free box lunch in the courtyard

7:55   Old Business

  1. Inventory Question #2 Break-out Session: Are we attracting Intergroup Representatives (IGRs) from all AA groups in SF and Marin Counties? Are we seeing a true representation of our fellowship? How do we get more IGR’s from unrepresented or underrepresented groups? 
    1. Groups broke out into breakout rooms, and selected an individual to report back to the full Intergroup meeting:
      1. Chris – Talked about benefits and the drawbacks of Zoom versus hybrid and consensus that we would attract more people in the Zoom meeting. Easier to get to during pandemic but lacking some of the fellowship of the room. Representation doesn’t feel accurate in all the meetings. Maybe it’s a pamphlet to reach out to meetings and clubhouses where the meetings are being held. 
      2. Shannon – Issue of non representation of groups and the city and IGR’s. Thought directly reaching out to groups and going to meetings and speaking with secretaries. 
      3. James – People were voicing engagement, hybrid and zoom accessibility and having it hybrid. More time for What’s on your mind. Could create events to educate what IGRs do.  
      4. Chad – Regarding the response – group agrees that there isn’t enough representation and proactively pursuing and expanding representation. 
      5. Jessie: We looked at each category and suggested getting more involvement from the IGRs themselves during these meetings – More time for What’s on your Mind. To keep this more interactive and allow for IGRs to participate. Accessibility: Agreement on suggested solutions listed. More accessible with Zoom and implementing some solutions already with the pop up book stores. Some brought up having a hard time not calling the name Central Office. 

8:30   New Business


8:30   What’s On Your Mind

  1. Jaime – Plug for July’s Grapevine, the prison issue with a story called “Too much cash” on the 7th Tradition
  2. Courtney – Reality Farm is going back in person Thursday at 8:30pm at the Slovenian Hall in Potrero Hill
  3. Ayn – Appreciation for the break out rooms. And pop up book store 
  4. Kaitlin – Marin County Young People in AA (MCYPAA)
    1. Business Meeting is the first Sunday of the month 8/6
    2. Upcoming event on 8/21: Meeting, Bocce Ball, BBQ from 12-4pm at the Marin Bocce Federation in San Rafael
  5. Melissa – Grateful member of the group. 

8:30   Targeted Message

  1. Marin Pop-Up Bookstore starts August 15. Literature and chips can be pre-ordered (and select literature will be available for sale) – at the monthly Marin General Service meeting @Vivalon (930 Tamalpais, San Rafael) on Monday 8/15 from 6:45 to 7:30pm and 9 to 9:30pm.
  2. Support our Intergroup service committees – check out our calendar on to see when the service committees meet.
  3. Become a Faithful Fiver and support San Francisco and Marin Intergroup efforts to carry the A.A. message of hope and recovery to the still suffering alcoholic in Marin and San Francisco.

Next Intergroup Meeting: September 7 on Zoom

Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.

August 2022 Intergroup Meeting Treasurer’s Narrative

Year to Date Ended
June 30, 2022

Bookstore Sales were a whopping 77% ahead of the prior year, and largely anticipated
as per budget. Though largely passthrough, they are a sign of foot traffic in the Central
Office and interest in the Intergroup. Marin Teleservice made another generous
contribution of $2,100 and as discussed in the last intergroup meeting, such
contributions have been parsed out of Group Contributions and detailed in their own
category under “Fellowship”. Group Contribution actuals are understated as compared
to budget because of that reclassing. Total Revenues are 7K or 4% under budget but
still ahead of the prior year.

The shortfall in Revenues was more than made up for with expenses at 9% under
budget. Budgeted Expenses were inflated to a failsafe or worst-case scenario, so this
was as to be expected. Budgeting as such appears to be the practical and prudent thing
to do considering current economic circumstances. National inflation for example was
9.1% year over year for June, and IFAA Expenses inflated to a lesser degree at 7%.

With Revenues slipping slightly and Expenses impacted by inflation, IFAA is currently
operating at a loss of $7K for the year. This was expected and consistent with the prior
year loss at the time, but to a slightly greater degree. We anticipate a flood of
Contributions to manifest in July as commitments turn over, though June was slightly
less than expected. That said, with a shift to in person meetings post pandemic, July is
likely to experience a greater flood than previous year and quite possibly eliminate the
current deficit.

From a liquidity perspective, Unrestricted Cash, or cash for Operating Expenses above
our six months’ Prudent Reserve, remained steady at 2.3 months. Liquid reserves
greater than 2 months are rated “Excellent” so our Intergroup remains fiscally sound.
With a flood of contributions expected in July, liquidity will inevitably improve.