Marin Fellowship Committee (MFC) Business Meeting
San Rafael Community Center 618 B St., San Rafael, CA, United StatesFirst Monday of each month; 7:00 - 8:30 pm We plan educational and fellowship events for Marin AA. For more info, email: [email protected]
SF Bridging the Gap (online)
Meets the first Tuesday of each month. Orientation: 6:30 pm Business Meeting: 7:00 pm “Bridging the Gap Picks Up Where H&I Leaves Off." Bridging the Gap (BTG) is a 12th Step Service Committee. […]
Marin Twelve Concepts Study (online)
Meets the 1st Tuesday each month.
Intergroup Representative (IGR) Orientation (online)
Meets on the first Wednesday of the month @ 6pm. Join Zoom Meeting HERE Meeting ID: 832 5140 5487 No Password The monthly Intergroup Business Meeting follows @ 7pm using the same Zoom I.D. and […]
Outreach Committee Meeting (online)
Meets the 1st Wednesday monthly at 6 pm Join Zoom meeting HERE Zoom ID: 715 9068 5525 Passcode: outreach
San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Founders Day “Picnic in the Park”
Lindley Meadow, Golden Gate Park 1000 John F. Kennedy Drive, San Francisco, CA, United StatesCelebrate A.A.'s birthday with a "Picnic in the Park". 12 - 2pm Games, Food and Dessert. 2 - 3pm A.A. Speaker Meeting. 3 - 3:30pm Fun and Fellowship. 1054 JFK Drive, San Francisco (near 30th […]
Founders Day in Marin (MFC)
Gerstle Park 239 San Rafael Ave, San Rafael, CA, United StatesHosted by the Marin Fellowship Committee (MFC). 12:00pm A.A Speaker Meeting.
Marin Accessibilities Committee – Dist. 10 (online)
Meets on the 2nd Monday of every month. Zoom ID: 833 9508 6747 Passcode: 672851 For more information, email [email protected]