Bridging the Gap Marin (online)

Meets 2nd Wednesday of every month Join Zoom Meeting HERE Meeting ID: 464 992 9045 Password: 939773 Orientation: 6:00 pm Business Meeting: 6:15 to 7:00 pm

The Point Committee Meeting (online)

Meets the 2nd Saturday monthly Join Zoom Meeting HERE. Time: 12:30 PM Pacific Meeting ID: 880 0144 4176 The Point is a monthly newsletter that contains articles from San Francisco and Marin members sharing the experience,

Golden Gate Young People in A.A. (online)

Business meetings are on the second Sunday of each month. Young and "young at heart" are welcome! Currently, due to the Covid pandemic, these meetings will be online. Topic: GGYPAA Meeting Time: 6:00 PM Pacific

Marin Pop-Up Bookstore

930 Tamalpais Ave (formerly known as Vivalon) 930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael, CA, United States

Open on the 3rd Monday monthly