Town Hall Meeting

Join us for a Town Hall Meeting on June 18 at 6:30 PM. Register HERE. We will present an FAQ for groups to use as considerations are made for meeting face-to-face again. The information has

Intergroup Rep Orientation

First Unitarian Universalist Center 1187 Franklin St., San Francisco, CA, United States

Meets the 1st Wednesday if the month.  Orientation for new members: 6:00pm; General Meeting: 7:00pm. [email protected]

Intergroup General Meeting

First Unitarian Universalist Center 1187 Franklin St., San Francisco, CA, United States

Our Intergroup, The Intercounty Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, is a resource for Twelfth Step work and Alcoholics Anonymous information in San Francisco and Marin. While most Intergroup meetings are located in San Francisco,  for the

Town Hall Meeting

Join us for our second Town Hall Meeting on July 16 at 6:30 PM. We will discuss Hybrid Meetings and liability issues/waivers and continue the conversation about our local groups current concerns and needs and

Intergroup Rep Orientation

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 101 Donahue Street, Sausalito, CA, United States

Meets the 1st Wednesday if the month.  Orientation for new members: 6:00pm; General Meeting: 7:00pm. [email protected]