57th International Women’s Conference (online)
The 57th International Women’s Conference will be virtual. To make 2021’s Conference safe and open to all, the Conference will be virtual. The Language of the Heart will be spoken at the First Virtual International
Intergroup Rep Orientation (online)
Topic: Intergroup Representative Orientation Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time Join Zoom Meeting HERE. Meeting ID: 810 7412 8072 One tap mobile: +16699009128,,81074128072 Currently, while the Shelter-in-Place order is in effect, orientation is online. Please contact
Marin H & I Orientation (online)
Second Tuesday of each month. Marin H&I Orientation Time: 6:15 PM Pacific Time Join Zoom Meeting HERE. Meeting ID: 895 5441 3768 Password: 411678 Donate to H&I: https://www.handinorcal.org/contribute
SF Teleservice Business Meeting (online)
Meets the 3rd Monday each month. Email [email protected] to get Zoom meeting ID.
Town Hall – The Future of Our Big Book (online)