Marin Fellowship Committee (MFC) Business Meeting
San Rafael Community Center 618 B St., San Rafael, CA, United StatesFirst Monday of each month; 7:00 - 8:30 pm We plan educational and fellowship events for Marin AA. For more info, email: [email protected]
SF Bridging the Gap (online)
Meets the first Tuesday of each month. Orientation: 6:30 pm Business Meeting: 7:00 pm “Bridging the Gap Picks Up Where H&I Leaves Off." Bridging the Gap (BTG) is a 12th Step Service Committee.
Marin Twelve Concepts Study (online)
Meets the 1st Tuesday each month.
Intergroup Representative (IGR) Orientation (online)
Meets on the first Wednesday of the month @ 6pm. Join Zoom Meeting HERE Meeting ID: 832 5140 5487 No Password The monthly Intergroup Business Meeting follows @ 7pm using the same Zoom I.D. and
Outreach Committee Meeting (online)
Meets the 1st Wednesday monthly at 6 pm Join Zoom meeting HERE Zoom ID: 715 9068 5525 Passcode: outreach
San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Founders Day “Picnic in the Park”
Lindley Meadow, Golden Gate Park 1000 John F. Kennedy Drive, San Francisco, CA, United StatesCelebrate A.A.'s birthday with a "Picnic in the Park". 12 - 2pm Games, Food and Dessert. 2 - 3pm A.A. Speaker Meeting. 3 - 3:30pm Fun and Fellowship. 1054 JFK Drive, San Francisco (near 30th
Founders Day in Marin (MFC)
Gerstle Park 239 San Rafael Ave, San Rafael, CA, United StatesHosted by the Marin Fellowship Committee (MFC). 12:00pm A.A Speaker Meeting.
Marin Accessibilities Committee – Dist. 10 (online)
Meets on the 2nd Monday of every month. Zoom ID: 833 9508 6747 Passcode: 672851 For more information, email [email protected]