SF General Service Business Meeting (online)

Meets 2nd Tuesday of the Month Join San Francisco General Service District 06 in welcoming our Panel 71 Delegate to the June District Meeting. Jennifer will share what she saw, heard and felt at the

The Point Committee Meeting (online)

Meets the 2nd Saturday monthly Rescheduled to today due a schedule conflict. Join Zoom Meeting HERE. Time: 12:30 PM Pacific Meeting ID: 880 0144 4176 The Point is a monthly newsletter that contains articles from San

Archives Committee (online)

Meets the 3rd Sunday of each month. Time: 12:00 PM, Pacific Time Zoom Meeting ID: 896 7733 2846 Preserving our legacy by collecting and cataloging historical materials. [email protected]

Marin General Service New Rep Orientation & Meeting (hybrid)

Whistlestop 930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael

Meets 3rd Monday each month. In-Person & Virtual Hybrid Business Meeting AA Marin General Service District 10 6:30 PM: New GSR Orientation 7:30 PM to 9 PM: Business Meeting In-Person: Vivalon Healthy Aging Center, 930 Tamalpais

HelpChat Orientation & Business Meeting (online)

Meets 3rd Tuesday each month Orientation – 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Business Meeting – 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM Zoom access: https://forms.gle/xNzdVVQTUiMDTwMU9 or email [email protected] How HelpChat works: Chat online with a newcomer! Visitors to aasfmarin.org see a blue