SF Bridging the Gap (online)
Meets the first Tuesday of each month. Orientation: 6:30 pm Business Meeting: 7:00 pm “Bridging the Gap Picks Up Where H&I Leaves Off." Bridging the Gap (BTG) is a 12th Step Service Committee. […]
Marin Twelve Concepts Study (online)
Held the first Tuesday of each month; sponsored by Marin General Service. Topic: District 10 Concept Study Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting HERE. Meeting ID: 856 7007 4068 Email [email protected] for
Intergroup Rep Orientation (online)
Topic: Intergroup Representative Orientation Time: 6:00 PM Pacific Time Join Zoom Meeting HERE. Meeting ID: 812 3263 5965 One tap mobile: +16699009128,,81232635965# Currently, while Covid-19 is still active, orientation is online. Please contact [email protected] if you
Intergroup General Meeting (online)
Intergroup meets the 1st Wednesday monthly A link for the Intergroup meeting will be sent directly to all Intergroup Reps, Alternates, Intergroup Committee Chairs, Liaisons and Board Members. Anyone else interested in joining us can
A.A. Women Pioneers- A Marin History Event (hybrid)
Hillside Church of Marin 2000 Las Gallinas Avenue, San Rafael, CA, United States
Golden Gate Young People in A.A. (online)
Business meetings are on the second Sunday of each month. Young and "young at heart" are welcome! Currently, due to the Covid pandemic, these meetings will be online. Topic: GGYPAA Meeting Time: 6:00 PM Pacific […]
SF Public Relations Orientation & Meeting (online)
Meets the second Monday of each month. San Francisco Public Relations Committee provides literature and speakers for members of the professional community who work with alcoholics and members of the public who are interested in
Marin H & I Orientation
Marin Alano Club 1360 Lincoln Ave., San Rafael, CA, United StatesSecond Tuesday of each month. Donate to H&I: https://www.handinorcal.org/contribute