Dry Dock Town Hall
Dry Dock 2118 Greenwich St., San Francisco, CA, United States
Marin H & I Orientation
Marin Alano Club 1360 Lincoln Ave., San Rafael, CA, United StatesSecond Tuesday of each month. Donate to H&I: https://www.handinorcal.org/contribute
Marin Unity Day 2021 (hybrid)
Unity in Marin 600 Palm Drive, Novato, CA, United States
SF Teleservice Orientation (online)
Meets the 3rd Monday each month. Join meeting HERE. Meeting ID: 832 9267 7802 Email: sfteleservice@aasfmarin.org
SF Teleservice Business Meeting (online)
Meets the 3rd Monday each month. For those interested in attending, please email sfteleservice@aasfmarin.org for the Zoom link.