Danville – Diablo Speaker Meeting
Community Presbyterian Church 222 W. El Pintado, Danville, CA, United States
POSTPONED: NCCAA 73rd Annual Spring Conference
Holiday Inn San Jose 1350 North 1st Street, San Jose, CA, United StatesCONFERENCE IS POSTPONED. NEW DATE TBD.
SF Teleservice Orientation via Zoom
CA, United Statessfteleservice@aasfmarin.org Here is the information for the online SF Teleservice meeting: Topic: Teleservice Orientation Time: Mar 23, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/811225094 Meeting ID: 811 225 094
SF Teleservice Orientation (online)
CA, United Statessfteleservice@aasfmarin.org Here is the information for the online SF Teleservice meeting: Topic: Teleservice Orientation Time: Apr 20, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/319010597?pwd=TWhTb3BwTEd6YWd4Tkp2SE4wRU5iQT09 Meeting ID: 319 010 597