Marin Alano Club Labor Day A.A. Meeting & BBQ
Marin Alano Club 1360 Lincoln Ave., San Rafael, CA, United StatesMarin H & I Orientation
Marin Alano Club 1360 Lincoln Ave., San Rafael, CA, United StatesSecond Tuesday of each month. Donate to H&I:
Accessibility Committee Meeting (online)
Join the Accessibility Committee meeting on Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 853 3778 0397 Passcode: 182598 One tap mobile +16699006833,,85337780397#,,,,*182598# US (San Jose)
SF Teleservice Orientation (online)
Meets the 3rd Monday each month. Join meeting HERE. Meeting ID: 832 9267 7802 Email: [email protected]
SF Teleservice Business Meeting (online)
Meets the 3rd Monday each month. For those interested in attending, please email [email protected] for the Zoom link.