SF Teleservice Orientation (online)

Meets the 3rd Monday each month. Join meeting HERE. Meeting ID: 816 2242 3274 Passcode: AD40JS Email: sfteleservice@aasfmarin.org 

SF Teleservice Business Meeting (online)

Meets the 3rd Monday each month. For those interested in attending, please email sfteleservice@aasfmarin.org for the Zoom link.

Marin Pop-Up Bookstore

930 Tamalpais Ave (formerly known as Vivalon) 930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael, CA, United States

Open on the 3rd Monday monthly

Marin General Service New Rep Orientation & Meeting (hybrid)

930 Tamalpais Ave (formerly known as Vivalon) 930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael, CA, United States

Meets 3rd Monday each month. In-Person & Virtual Hybrid Business Meeting Marin General Service District 10 Jackson Cafe at the Vivalon Healthy Aging Center, 930 Tamalpais Ave, San Rafael, CA 94901 ~ Face masks strongly […]

Marin PI/CPC

Marin Alano Club 1360 Lincoln Ave., San Rafael, CA, United States

Meets 4th Thursday of each month Orientation: 7:00 pm Business meeting: 7:30 to 8:30  pm

CNCA 06 Committee Meeting (online)

Meets the 4th Saturday every month. www.cnca06.org CNCA 06 Committee Meeting: 11:00 AM Pacific Time Join Zoom Meeting HERE.  Meeting ID: 632 553 607 Password: 1935 One tap mobile +16699006833,,632553607#