Intergroup Committees
HelpChat Volunteer Orientation (online)
HelpChat Volunteer Orientation Join Zoom Meeting: How HelpChat works: Chat online with a newcomer! Visitors to see a blue chat bubble in the corner of their screen, which prompts them to chat in […]
Archives Committee (hybrid)
Meets the 3rd Sunday of each month. Time: 12:00 PM, Pacific Time In-person: Central Office Zoom: Meeting ID 896 7733 2846 Preserving our legacy by collecting and cataloging historical materials. [email protected]
Intergroup Representative (IGR) Orientation (online)
Meets on the first Wednesday of the month @ 6pm. Join Zoom Meeting HERE Meeting ID: 832 5140 5487 No Password The monthly Intergroup Business Meeting follows @ 7pm using the same Zoom I.D. and […]
HelpChat Business Meeting (online)
HelpChat Business Meeting Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 737 8849 9508 Passcode: A20JGW Time: 6 pm How HelpChat works: Chat online with a newcomer! Visitors to see a blue chat bubble in the […]
Archives Committee (hybrid)
Meets the 3rd Sunday of each month. Time: 12:00 PM, Pacific Time In-person: Central Office Zoom: Meeting ID 896 7733 2846 Preserving our legacy by collecting and cataloging historical materials. [email protected]
Intergroup Representative (IGR) Orientation (online)
Meets on the first Wednesday of the month @ 6pm. Join Zoom Meeting HERE Meeting ID: 832 5140 5487 No Password The monthly Intergroup Business Meeting follows @ 7pm using the same Zoom I.D. and […]
Outreach Committee Meeting (online)
Meets the 1st Wednesday monthly at 6 pm Join Zoom meeting HERE Zoom ID: 715 9068 5525 Passcode: outreach
Fellowship Committee (online)
San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Fellowship Committee When: Wednesday, January 25 @ 6 pm Join Zoom meeting HERE Meeting ID: 872 5562 5539 The San Francisco and Marin Intergroup Fellowship Committee organizes and hosts A.A. […]