After an independent review of our financials, San Francisco and Marin Intergroup has corrected the end-of-year financials in our 2023 annual report. While the correction was relatively minor, Intergroup ended the year with a surplus of $3,323 rather than a deficit. Take a look at the updated 2023 Annual Report financials and an explanation of the correction. Although Intergroup ended the year with a small surplus, that trend has not continued, and Intergroup is now facing a small deficit. We are asking groups and individual members to dig a little deeper in support of San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s 12th Step services.  

Come to Christopher Field, in San Francisco on June 1 for an A.A. speaker meeting with Al-Anon participation @ 11am. After the meeting, stay for fellowship and kickball from 12-3pm. For details and to register.

Groups and members around the world commemorate the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous on the anniversary of co-founder Dr. Bob’s last drink in June 1935. Join your fellows in celebration at upcoming Founders’ Day events in San Francisco and Marin County.

Are you a Secretary, Treasurer or Intergroup Representative? If so, please register your commitment with San Francisco and Marin Intergroup to help us stay connected to local A.A. meetings. To register, find your meeting in the meeting finder, open the listing and click on “Update Meeting Info” to fill out the registration form. That’s it! You can also call the Central Office bookstore at (415) 674-1820 and register over the phone. We will confirm your submission with a welcome email full of resources to assist you in your new position—and thank you for your service!

The 49th Annual Western Roundup Living Sober Conference takes place in San Francisco, CA July 5-7, 2024. The longest-running U.S. conference for LGBTQIA+ A.A. members is happening in person and features engaging workshops, inspiring speakers and fun fellowship. And on Friday and Saturday, be sure to stop by to check out the abundance of A.A. literature at the Intergroup Pop Up Bookstore.  

Service Opportunities

Honoring Our Past

For the love of remembering those who served, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The BuzzThe Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our 2023 Annual Report.   

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office