Intergroup News

The following news was shared at San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s March 6th meeting. Please take this back to your group and any other A.A. meetings you attend.

  • San Francisco and Marin Intergroup needs Central Office Volunteers to answer the helpline, greet customers, and assist with special projects. Minimum of 1 year sobriety. For more information about this weekly shift opportunity, email

  • Need a service commitment? Anyone may join an Intergroup Service Committee, you do not need to be an Intergroup Rep to get involved! Check out the for the complete list of Intergroup Committees, including what they do, when they meet, and service opportunities.

  • Help us reach 400 Grateful Givers by 2025. Grateful Givers support San Francisco and Marin Intergroup’s efforts to carry the A.A. message of hope and recovery to the still-suffering alcoholic in Marin and San Francisco. To sign up, go to and thank you to our current Grateful Givers!

Expanded Language Selection Now Available

Recently your Central Office Bookstore expanded its offering of A.A. World Services and A.A. Grapevine books and pamphlets in global languages, including Spanish, Russian, Polish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Farsi, Punjabi, indigenous languages such as Diné Bizaad (Navajo), and more. Stop by and check out the new linguistic bookshelf, or visit our online store.

Credit: Thatcher H.

Agenda Topics are the items for discussion and vote at the annual General Service Conference in New York. This year’s topics include the final approval of the Plain Language Big Book translation, and proposed pamphlets for special composition groups in A.A., including transgender, unhoused, and Asian and Asian-American alcoholics. There is still time for your group’s voice to be heard. 

Marin has its workshop on March 12 @ 5pm and San Francisco’s workshop is March 16 @ 10am.

The A.A. meeting Lush Lounge on Saturdays @ 2pm (for women/transgender/queer) will be closing down after its final meeting on Saturday, March 16. This was a beloved meeting for many, and it’s been around since at least the early 2000s. Join the Lush Lounge for the next two Saturdays, and on March 16th there will be a celebration of the meeting. The online rooms will be kept open until 4pm for anyone who wants to stick around and celebrate the meeting on its last day.

The Sunshine Club Volunteer Orientation

The Sunshine Club takes A.A. meetings to members who are unable to attend regularly scheduled meetings due to accident, illness or temporary medical condition. Join the Sunshine Club Marin County Volunteer Orientation on March 10 in Novato @ 11:15am and discover how you can bring A.A. meetings to those in need. Reach out to for more information.

Get Ready for the St. Patrick’s Day Pillow Fight

Join MCYPAA on March 10 @ 1pm for a St. Patrick’s Day Pillow Fight featuring fellowship, fun and recovery. An A.A. meeting will be held before the pillow fight, and you are encouraged to bring your own pillow!

Step Up Your Recovery with Step-by-Step Workshops

Step 2 and Step 3 are the focus of the Step By Step Workshops hosted by Marin Fellowship Committee. Mark your calendars for March 14 @ 6:30pm at Marin Lutheran Church in Corte Madera.

A.A. Team Trivia

Join Marin Fellowship Committee and MCYPAA on March 16 @ 6pm for Team Trivia, in San Rafael. A.A. meeting @ 6pm followed by an opportunity to test your A.A. knowledge.


St. Patrick’s Day Alcathon in Novato

Golden Gate Young People of A.A. will be having a bonfire on March 23 @ 5pm. Meet them at Ocean Beach for an A.A. meeting, s’mores and fellowship.

The Northern California Council of A.A. (NCCAA) is hosting a weekend-long gathering of A.A.members and members of A.A. sister Program Al-Anon. The event is the oldest A.A conference and is filled with guest speakers (many from the Bay Area), marathon meetings, special events, prize drawings, literature and Spanish speakers. NCCAAs Spring Conference is March 15-17 at the Holiday Inn San Jose – Silicon Valley.

Service Opportunities…

We Must Be Mindful of Our Past

For the love of an extra hour, please share this information and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The BuzzThe Buzz is produced by San Francisco and Marin Intergroup. To learn more about Intergroup, check out our Annual Report.   

Your San Francisco and Marin Intergroup | Central Office