By Stephen R

Book in hand
I live in the Gutenberg Galaxy

I love, and am grateful for, the little quotations which often precede chapters in non-fiction. They set the tone for the subsequent passage. The one above is unrehearsed, unedited. I am grateful for the sea-change in writing to which my sponsor has introduced me: a full sentence which is pre-written except for the nugget of truth.

To wit: “What is the spiritual solution to my fear of death? – acknowledge that God has always protected me.”


These are the distractions which cause my text to swirl on the page, endlessly, insistently, viciously.

I am grateful for the discipline of the exercise today to deliver an unpolished and unedited note. The only change I would make would be to center the poetic line at the beginning and remove the crossed-out typographical error.

I am grateful for my fellow writers and their immersion.

No – stay in the chair

After-title:  Sea of Change