Intergroup Meeting – Proposed Minutes
Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 7-8:30 PM

Intergroup coordinates services which individual groups in San Francisco and Marin cannot provide. We bring these services, as well as service opportunities, to our Member Groups. Our Intergroup observes the intent and spirit of A.A.’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service, as well as A.A.’s Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity, and Service.

7:00   Getting Started

  1. Open with the Serenity Prayer
  2. Call to order. Statement of Purpose
  3. Review the minutes and agenda
  4. Roll Call
    1. 53 groups represented: 31 from San Francisco, 22 from Marin

  1. New IGRs, Visitors, AA Anniversaries
    Jennifer, IGR Intimate Feelings; Jessie H, IGR Th. Night Women’s SF; Amanda, IGR There is a Solution; Horatio, IGR Anything is Possible; Lea, IGR Monday Nooners Novato; Melanie, IGR Girls Gone Mild; Elaine, IGR Quitting Time SR; Karen, IGR Awakenings

Visitors: Jackie B – Chair SF General Service 

Anniversary: Chip G – 40 yrs.; Judy W – 28 yrs.; Mike – 24 yrs.; Jaime – 24 yrs.

  1. Approval of agenda (housekeeping item)
    Jaime motion to approve; Chip G 2nd
  2. Approval of last month’s Intergroup Meeting minutes (housekeeping item)
    Kathleen correction: John B’s email incomplete – [email protected]
    Nikki corrected the attendance to reflect that Fiona B was in attendance as IGR for Too Early
    Motion to approve: John; 2nd: Marty

7:15 Officer Reports
1. Board Chair – Charlie
Everyone got the link re: 2022 budget review, which is our main topic of discussion for tonight. Thank you Jim and Christina. We are a little late getting the budget out, we have a new treasurer. On the radar to have 2023 out closer to end of year; 

Bylaws to be updated; all should have pdf’s; thanks Governance Committee to get this in layman’s terms. 

Communications Survey – deferred to Isae. Putting together a communications survey. One major theme from inventory is communication; and this survey will help us improve that. We will be sharing it in The Buzz this Friday and also email; share the link please.

Charlie: June Board of Directors elections; think about nominations; need to receive statements of interest; qualifications from bylaws; nominating committee has been formed. Term for the Board of Directors is 3 yrs.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Jim
    Year to Date revenue: $71,027 (38% over last year); contributions went way down in February; will put plus or minus figure in. As long as we are ahead of budget we’ll be OK at the end of year. Doing well for expenses – 22% ahead of budget.

Costs & bottom line: Costs: $51,267 ($2,500 over last); ran a surplus YTD of $14,318 (last year about break even); net revenue $14,900 ahead of last; estimated 7% growth rate on income; unrestricted cash went up to 3 months. Expenses in bank; rating: excellent.  Met budget, over 2 mos. Unrestricted cash.

Faithful Fivers: went up 8 more members; down total $ amount. Goal: 350 Faithful Fivers by end of year.

Danny Question: any ideas on increase in contributions?
Answer: a lot more groups – and more meetings in person.
Danny: Or – meetings no longer paying rent?
Nikki: also commitments turnover is when groups send in $$.  Thank you Jim!

  1. Executive Director – Christina
    Working through committee meetings; remind all meetings to register as trusted servants. GSO is offering mixed-title discounts based on quantity purchase; is pilot program; will measure impact; Operations Manual being updated; will put in The Buzz. Looking to fill several commitments: Buzz Editor, Fellowship Committee Chair, Intergroup Rep for SF H&I; Marin General Service Liaison. 

Caitlin volunteered for The Buzz editor position. Founders Day will be on June 11, 1-4 pm; we need volunteers. Reminder: Central Office is open Tues-Sat, 10 am to 6 pm.

7:35 Intergroup Committee Reports (up to 2 minutes/report)

The Point:
John: we take all kinds of submissions; think of The Point as a local version of the AA Grapevine; biggest news: Kristee O. is new editor! Thanks Christina, Isae, Eileen for grooming her.  Looking for May submissions; [email protected]. I have been interim chair for 5 years – time for spirit of rotation and we need a new Point Committee Chair.

Mike – this month’s regular archives meeting is on Easter Sunday, so that meeting is being canceled and we  will be back in May; got submissions from Stockton; will help out with Founders Day – have stuff to give away.

Sunshine Club:
Kate: Bring meetings to members unable to attend live/in-person meetings. Sunshine Club is getting ready to start bringing in person meetings again and we need volunteers for SF & Marin. IGR’s please share this; many do not know this service exists; [email protected].

The Buzz:
Isae:  Excited to welcome Caitlin!  Events – go 2-3 weeks out for announcements; Tuesday Chip back to brick and mortar. 

Fiona: Need volunteers; ask is to share a flier for the Tech Committee in meetings.

7:50 Service Committee Liaison Reports (up to 2 minutes/report)

SF Bridging the Gap:
Phil: Rudy is co-chair; we liaison with H&I and SF PR. They are developing a web page on the SF General Service website.

Marin General Service:
Molly: this is the height of conference season; GSRs are gathering group consciences. If you want to participate in reviewing agenda topics, your group needs a GSR. 

San Francisco General Service:
Alison: your group can still participate in virtual events – there is one this weekend and it is informal. You can also send in your group conscience. At the pre-conference assembly in Petaluma, they had nametags designating people that were open to hugs, no hugs, etc. 

Marin H&I:
Karen: 2 facilities open/live. However, not: Marin General or Juvenile Hall. Helen Vine Detox Center is happening; looking for speakers/secretaires. We need lots of volunteers. Next meeting is 4/12 at the Alano Club – orientation 6:15 pm.

8:00 Old Business

  1. Intergroup Inventory Debrief
    Nikki gave attendees the opportunity to provide any thoughts on the inventory feedback and reminded people that there is a process for adding agenda items.
  2. Budget (Discussion Item)
    Jim: not going into slides in detail; did worst case scenario; realistic with revenues; pessimistic w/expenses; would we be okay? Yes. Revenues 7% increase (may be aggressive); generous w/committee expenses; overall expense: 17% increase just in case; budget – fail safe approach. 

Nikki opened the meeting up for questions and comments.
Danny: Thanks Jim; with meetings that are virtual – concerned we’re not capturing $$; 7th Trad does not come up sometimes at those meetings; Jim: I’d like to analyze, look at actual contributions and see how many virtuals are making contributions; Nikki: important point – if we see Traditions not being followed, we can speak up at mtg; ask for business mtg if they don’t have one.

Molly: Want to point out – re budget – Founders Day was a Marin one; should be one in SF; Marin teleservice has its own funding; want to have Marin feel supported by SF; Nikki: we hear it a lot.

Karen: I represent a 7 day/wk zoom mtg; we make lots of contributions – always been large meeting; many small meetings do not contribute; 

Nikki: ready to vote? In favor green check; against – red; Vote: out of 53, 38 in favor; 65% approve; APPROVED.  Thanks Jim!

8:15 New Business
1. Bylaws: Luke – please look at the Primer and FAQ’s. Hopefully your questions are addressed in the FAQ’s. Christina thanks for FAQ’s; if any other questions, Paul and Luke’s contact info is on the primer sheet; want to make sure of transparency, no questions left unanswered.

Been working with outside counsel; bylaws are core of board; we need to make the bylaws in compliance with CA nonprofit law; originally they were modeled after NY intergroup. The counsel provided revisions, reviewed them; the changes are not discretionary; re CA nonprofit law – may lose status as nonprofit if changes not made; if not compliant, open to actions; CA law does not allow Executive Director to vote. Also, in the current bylaws they do not give enough time for IGR’s to review board candidates. We are not voting on this tonight; so there is plenty of time to reach out and discuss with your meetings.

Charlie: if we are to execute the bylaws in the least amount of time that means we will vote, then send to the attorney and then do one final ratification – which could be late summer early fall.

8:25 What’s On Your Mind
Thatcher: wondering about in person meeting for this mtg? 

8:30 Targeted Message
1. Service!!  with committees;
2. Committee Openings: SF H&I liaison SF; Fellowship Chair
3. Volunteers for Founders’ Day, June 11; next meeting May 4.

Adjourn with the Responsibility Statement

Next Intergroup Meeting is Wednesday, May 4, 2022. Our monthly meeting will continue to be held online per local guidelines from the health department until further notice. Please email [email protected] with any questions.


Treasurer’s Narrative

Month and Year to Date Ended
February 28, 2022


In the absence of an approved budget, I felt it beneficial to provide some sort of comparative data for the intergroup as was done in previous months. When I compared February to January, I was immediately struck by the steep reduction in group contributions. A closer look revealed abnormally high contributions in January, rather than low contributions in February – likely from groups turning over treasurer commitments. So a better indicator of financial performance would be to compare year to date figures this year with the same figures from last year. Here’s what I found:


Overall, contributions were $19.6K or 27% higher than last year with Group Contributions leading the charge up $17K. The only reduction in contributions came from individuals down <$1K> likely returning to in person meetings.


With a sharp increase in contributions, and a monthly inflation rate of 7.5% and 7.9% for January and February respectively, expenses rose to a lesser extent up $2,563 or 5%.


With contributions significantly higher, and costs up to a lesser extent, we were profitable year to date February to the tune of $15K, as compared to last year which was practically break even at a <$641> loss. The excess funds added to an already robust reserve (or unrestricted cash balance) of $77K, or just over 3 months of operating expenses. This is in addition to our 6-month Prudent Reserve.

Bottom line is we’re doing Excellent.


The budget proposed was a worst-case scenario or can be described as a failsafe. In other words, even if we were to experience a loss of <$33K>, IFAA and the Central Office would survive. Our budgeted services and infrastructure, our special workers, bookstore, and website would remain intact. Just 2 months in, we are operating with a surplus of $15K, in other words we’re off to a good start. With the uncertainty in our financial climate, this is likely a good thing.