by Anonymous
A sober ex-husband steps up to help his sober ex-wife clear her criminal record.
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to ask you to expunge the criminal record of Michele S. As her former husband and an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous for more than 19 years, I feel well qualified to comment on her recovery.
I have known Michele since 1973 when she worked for me in Berkeley. We became best friends and we were married in 1976. For the next 15 years, she was the most loving, kindest and caring person I had ever known. In 1991-92 I witnessed her decline into drug addiction, but as the person closest to her I also witnessed her suffering through the demoralizing guilt and remorse over the crimes she committed.
Since her recovery started in 1992 I have been privileged to watch her not only return to the wonderful person drugs and alcohol had taken away from all who loved her, but also enjoy an unparalleled growth that continues to this day. That growth began with her successful completion of the Center Point Program. Her work as a counselor at St. Anthony Farms Recovery Center led her to complete a state certification program and eventually to her job at Serenity Knolls.
While she has continued her work in the recovery field, Michele has been of continuous service in her private life – giving unselfishly of her time and resources, being there for friends and family, sharing her astonishing spirit with all in need.
Michele and I divorced amicably in 2006, but I still consider her my best friend. She has taught me more about honesty, courage and unconditional love than anyone. To expunge her record and allow her to advance professionally unencumbered would be a great gift to a well-deserving woman.
Most sincerely,
L.A. Craig