Celebrate your new commitment!
If you are a newly elected trusted servant, you are encouraged to register with Central Office. Having current meeting contacts is vital to staying connected. To register (Secretary, Treasurer, Intergroup Representative), click into your meeting on aasfmarin.org, hit the “Update Meeting Info” button, and fill out the form. We will confirm your submission with a welcome email full of resources to assist you in your new position!
Coming Soon!
Keep your eyes open for the Central Office survey we will circulate to better understand our fellowship’s needs for Central Office space as our current lease will expire in October 2021.
Upswing in Court-Ordered Newcomers
Our front line volunteers, as well as trusted servants for some groups, say that there appear to be more and more folks being ordered by the court system (judges, probation officers, lawyers, etc.) to attend A.A. meetings. We can speculate that the pandemic and holiday drunkenness may be leading to more DUIs and other consequential encounters with the legal system. How can we help the suffering alcoholic in this scenario? Read all about it!
Heads up for meetings using NYIG Zoom Accounts
Any group using a NY Intergroup hosted Zoom account will need to transition to another, non-NYIG account by the end of February 2021. Check out this NY Intergroup FAQ for more info on what your meeting needs to do.
What’s happening in local A.A.
Keep your San Francisco and Marin fellows in the loop with the Buzz! Drop the link to subscribe in the chat at your meetings and encourage all members to subscribe so we can build an engaged, informed, and educated community.
Service Committee Meetings This Coming Week
- Our Technology Committee meeting in on Monday.
- A Twelve Concepts Study is on Tuesday.
- New Intergroup Representative Orientation and the monthly Intergroup Meeting are on Wednesday.
New Beginnings
For the love of fresh starts, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here.