Christmas Alcathon Today! 9pm PST

Come join the fellowship without the woes of the holiday chaos at the Christmas Day Alcathon Tonight @ 9pm – Midnight PST. See you there! Details on event page.

Reminder: Twelve Gifts of the Season this Sunday

Don’t forget about this event which will be sure to dazzle on Sunday, December 27th, 2020 @ 3pm PST! Wear something festive! Details below and on event page.

New Year’s Eve Alcathon

Come ring in the new year with this celebration of experience, strength, and hope! The event will be held December 31st @ 9pm-1am PST, with a midnight meeting especially for newcomers; let’s all celebrate a new sober year together! Check it out here and on the flyer below. 

A Message from Marin Teleservice…

Looking for a great way to be of service to the still suffering alcoholic? Join the Marin Teleservice Committee!

We feature minimum time commitment with maximum service impact!

Come join us at our January 26th, 2021 Business Meeting where we will turn over commitments! Meeting link here and will be posted on Events page.

Busy Bees Keep the Hive Alive 

Keep your group in the loop with The Buzz! Drop our subscription link in the chat at your meetings and tell your members to subscribe to stay in-the-know on what’s happening with SF/Marin A.A.      🐝

Box 459’s 12 Tips for the Holiday Season (Adapted)

While some of Box 459’s usual “12 Tips for the Holiday Season” don’t apply given the nature of our social interactions this year, here are a few which have been taken and adapted from those published in this issue of Box 459 (download), which are still useful for keeping this holiday season sober and joyous:

  1. Line up extra virtual A.A. activities for the holiday season. Reach out to newcomers, speak at virtual meetings.
  2. Keep your A.A. telephone list with you all the time. If a drinking urge or panic comes – postpone everything else until you’ve called an A.A.
  3. Find out about special virtual holiday parties, meetings, celebrations held by groups in your area. If you’re timid, invite someone newer thank you are.
  4. Worship in your own way.
  5. Don’t sit around brooding. Catch up on books, walks, phone calls, emails and letters.
  6. Don’t start now getting worked up about all those holiday temptations. Remember – “one day at a time.” 
  7. Enjoy the true beauty of holiday love and joy. Maybe you cannot give material gifts – but this year, you can give love.

Click this link or the photo below for access to other issues of Box 459.

Spread the Warmth

For the love of sitting by the fire, please share this information with your social media communities and encourage your A.A. fellows to subscribe to The Buzz. All of our prior updates can be found here.

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