San Francisco & Marin Intergroup

Central Office
1821 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94109

Central Office Bookstore hours:
Tuesday - Friday, 10 am - 6 pm
Saturday, 12 pm - 4 pm
(closed Sunday, Monday and major holidays)
Order online at
or call (415) 674-1820.

Para encontrar reuniones en español o si necesita ayuda, llame a la Oficina Central de habla hispana al (415) 824-1834. Disponible después de las 5:00 pm.

Individual Contributions

We appreciate your support in our practice of the Seventh Tradition. By group conscience, we do not accept contributions greater than $7,500 a year. Additionally, we only accept contributions from members of Alcoholics Anonymous.  To make a monthly pledge, click here.


Custom Amount

Are you a A.A. member? Required
In keeping with A.A.'s tradition of self-support, any contributions made by non-alcoholics will be returned and/or refunded. We are grateful for your desire to support us, however we can only accept contributions from A.A. members and groups. Thank you for your understanding.
What kind of contribution are you making?
Contribution Type Required
Anniversary Contribution
Honorary Contribution
Memorial Contribution
Add your mailing address to receive our Intergroup Annual Report (Optional)
Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: $10.00